....Create a web based software that ensures nothing stops you being successful as an affiliate marketer.
Even if you have never sold a single affiliate product in your life.
Affiliate Rex: Quick Summary...

Affiliate Rex is a web based affiliate solution, offering a completely automated, easy click solution to all the barriers that hold back anyone trying affiliate marketing.

Everything from guaranteed JVZoo approvals to pre-built sales funnels and lead-magnets, to one click GetResponse configuration.

Includes automated list building, built-in link cloaking and full traffic and conversion tracking.

You can set up a complete affiliate campaign in under 2 minutes and with just a few clicks of the mouse.
Not A Magic Button But a Real Automated Solution
  • Your Own Products
  •  A Web Site 
  •  Any Technical Skills 
  •  Long Drawn Out Training 
  •  Complicated Set-Up 
  •  A Previous Affiliate Sales History
  • Guaranteed JVZoo Affiliate Approvals
  •  Proven High Converting Products 
  •  Pre-Made Sales Funnels 
  •  One Click Autoresponder Set-Up 
  •  Automated Exit-Pops That Add To YOUR List 
  •  Giveaway Lead Magnets That Build YOUR List 
  •  Affiliate Link Cloaking 
  •  Detailed Link Tracking 
  •  Your Own Bonuses To Encourage Buyers 
  •  Discount Coupons To Increase Sales
And Brand New In Version 2

Add Affiliate Products From JVZ00, Clickbank or Warrior Plus
That's Why I Created Affiliate Rex.
a True Push Button Easy Affiliate System That Automates,
Simplifies And Speeds Up Every Part And Process of
Your Affiliate Promotions.
Affiliate Rex solves all the above problem, and more, by guaranteeing your affiliate approval to a range of proven profitable JVZoo IM products, automating autoresponder and sales funnels, and tracking all your traffic in detail.
This and the additional functions inside Affiliate Rex finally ensure you can get your system or your affiliate business up and running today.
That's right TODAY! Not next week, next month or even months from now. With Affiliate Rex you can have a full affiliate system up and running in minutes.
How Does affiliate Rex Ensure Your Success?
Promoting Already Proven And High Converting Offers and Keeping All The Money!
Pre-Built Perfect Sales Funnels With Zero Work
Affiliate Link Cloaking Increases Click-Throughs And Protects Your Commissions
Stand Out In The Crowd With Unique Selling Points
Tracking Traffic And Conversions For Maximum Profits
Another thing that can be extraordinarily complex and difficult to set-up is conversion tracking. Not with Affiliate Rex. Tracking and analysis of traffic, subscribers and sales for all the Affiliate Rex products, is fully automated. There is literally nothing to set up.

Just click to the Traffic Statistics page to see beautiful and easy to understand tracking graphs and data. See a complete system overview or drill down into individual products, campaigns and even individual links.

With Affiliate Rex you know exactly which traffic sources are working and which are not. And exactly how well. This can save you $1000s in wasted traffic by quickly identifying the good from the bad. Kill off the bad traffic and ramp up the good traffic to really make a killing.
I have made literally hundreds of thousands of dollars
from affiliate marketing  and I want you to have the same chances that I eventually had
Affiliate Rex is web based software service so there is nothing to install and nothing to go wrong. Affiliate Rex works from a Mac or Windows computer, in fact any computer with an internet conection. Updates are included and fully automatic. Affiliate Rex integrates seamlessly with GetResponse via API. All you need is a computer with an internet connection.
Affiliate Rex comes with a number of high quality affiliate products that already have a proven sales record. Of course they all come with guaranteed affiliate approval. Simply add JVZoo affiliate links to Affiliate Rex and you can generate an unlimited amount of lists, campaigns and cloaked tracking links for any traffic source you like.
All links are fully tracked for sales page hits, subscriber sign-ups and sales. View all traffic statistics in fine data details or elegant graphs for easy analysis. No additional services or costs are needed. Everything is simply 'done for you'. See ovarall traffic statistics or drill down into products, campaigns or links.
List building is fully automated. There is nothing for you to do except let your list grow with every sale and every subscriber. Sends traffic direct to lead magnet (giveaway) links to focus on list building.Sales links will ensure you get both buyer and exit-pop subscribers from your traffic.
Once you have made a few sales with Affiliate Rex it will be much easier to get affiliate approvals from other vendors and those highly lucrative launch products. As your lists build you can email out to these new affiliate products making even more money and building a powerful and sustainable business.
Every product inside affiliate Rex comes with a complete sales funnel. Including lead magnet and exit-pop. Each lead magnet/exit-pop comes with a valuable free offer. Everything is fully automated and any affiliate link you create will automatically generate the correct funnel and pages for your affiliate product. Create both sales links (direct to the sales page) a or lead magnet links (to free offer). In either case your list will be populated with subscribers from both sales and sign-ups. No more wasting your traffic as a one hit wonder and only building a list for the product owners.
Each product comes with it's own JV page including ad banners and emails swipes to help with your promotion. Discount vouchers and bonus bundles are also included so you will have every advantage when promoting affiliate products. Nothing is left out of Affilite Rex. You will have all the tools you need for successful promotions of affiliate products. I want to ensure you make sales and build your list as fast as possible!
Nothing for you to install or download. Just add the discount codes to your promotion pages or emails and add the bonus URL to JVZoo. Everything will then be automated for you.
All you need to do is promote your special Affiliate Rex link!
Affiliate Rex is ultra simple to use but I have included full training videos to get you started fast!
Claim Our Amazing Bonus Package Below
Worth Over $1000
Spend an afternoon in my office with me.

Not live but virtual...

Im in the top ten affiliates for 2017 on JVZOO and have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars last year.

Let me give you everything I have learned and what Ill be using in 2018 to keep on top of the affiliate game.

This will be a full virtual mastermind in March 2018 WORTH $397 you get to attend as part of this bonus.

Hands on real workshop, with full question and answer.

Will last for at least 3 hours and will be recorded. Make sure you get in on this.
We Are Also Giving You This Amazing Bonus Included
Social Quote allows you to create instant viral content from any image.

Use a image add a quote, joke or saying on to image post it and watch the viral shares start.

Works with multiple networks including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest.

Over 100,000 quotes, jokes and sayings built in ready to start using.
Learn How to Stop Shopping Cart Abandonment!
The three most common reasons that lead to customers abandoning your site is that the design is poorly manufactured, the site is operating slowly, or that the product is simply too expensive.

Those are all problems they encounter before they even make make it to the shopping cart. So the question is 'why do customers take advantage of the shopping cart and then leave?'

Well, the most recent research shows that it has to do with 'compulsory registration.' In fact, a quarter of all customers will hit the shopping cart and then choose to leave because of this form of mandatory registration.

In other words, customers leave because they feel pressured or unsafe in some way. The simple solution to this is just to make the checkout process painless as possible. Learn more inside...
Learn How You Can Sell More with Content Marketing!
Exceptional content is the key component in the transmission of your message, generating traffic, and selling your product or service. However, there are several other elements that will make your content or effective with your readers and prompt them to take the action you want them to take.

People crave quality content that helps them in solving a problem, provides essential information, or gives them entertainment. It is critical that the reader be the priority in your creation of content. This enables you to get and hold their attention and lead them to make a purchase.

This approach does not have the reader as the most important element, and will not add any money to their bottom line. You must determine what your audience wants, and decide on the best means to deliver that needed content. It is never about the social media venue... but it is about giving people what they want.

Readers love to interact with the blog or content creator, and your follow up interaction speaks volumes about you, as does your content. Learn more inside...
Killer Ideas On How To Increase Sales Using Affiliate Newsletters 
If you have been in the affiliate marketing industry for a quite sometime now and still not achieving the sales commission that you are targeting for, you may take a look on the issue on your campaign.

The thing is that, there are many information that you can read from affiliate marketing blogs on the internet and sometimes these blogs may misled you to do something that is not align to your niche market or to your current skills.

The good news is that, inside this product is a video tutorial that will help you boost your affiliate sales with a proven and tested affiliate marketing strategy that almost any niche this idea is working positively.
How To Consistently Add Hundreds Of Subscribers To Your List Every Week!
Any online business will benefit greatly from building an opt-in email list that will read your valuable content, buy your products and services, or buy your affiliate offers.

Slow and steady wins the race and just know that it is feasible to add more than one hundred subscribers to your list on a weekly basis. This is without depending on Search Engine Optimization or any secret formula.

The method also works well when adding numbers in the thousands as well, as you become familiar with it. A major mistake made by internet marketing newbies is their thinking that the number added this week has to exponentially increase the next week. This is a total misconception.

Use the classic model to start small with your plan development, and rise in slow increments with the numbers. It is best to steady build a list, instead of having overwhelming numbers in the beginning of the process.

Keep in mind that the consistent addition to your list on a weekly basis of more than one hundred subscribers will generate one thousand subscribers in just ten weeks.

These one thousand subscribers have the potential of netting you a thousand dollars or more each month...if you maintain your list in a productive manner. This translates into a twelve thousand dollar income from just this one list of subscribers.

The essential component is your squeeze page which will convert your website traffic into your subscribers. If you need some ideas for a squeeze page you can Google ‘squeeze page templates’ and get some ideas.
Learn the Killer Ideas On How To Increase Sales Using Affiliate Newsletters!
If you have been in the affiliate marketing industry for a quite sometime now and still not achieving the sales commission that you are targeting for, you may take a look on the issue on your campaign.

The thing is that, there are many information that you can read from affiliate marketing blogs on the internet and sometimes these blogs may misled you to do something that is not align to your niche market or to your current skills.

The good news is that, inside this product is a video tutorial that will help you boost your affiliate sales with a proven and tested affiliate marketing strategy that almost any niche this idea is working positively.
Become An Expert At Internet Marketing And Get Better Results... Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!
There are two main approaches to internet marketing. One of them works. The problem is that the vast majority of people who start out are going to get the wrong advice and they’re going to start off with the other type of internet marketing.

Just take a look at one of the big marketing forums like Black Hat World or Warrior Forum and you will quickly learn the predominant attitude toward internet marketing. A lot of people view this as a system that can be hacked, as something that you can win at through sheer volume and spam. 

And that’s what results in some very low quality websites making their way onto the web. You will have encountered the sort. These are the sites that are covered in adverts and that are shameless about promoting affiliate products. These are the sites that are filled with near-illegible writing, written in pidgin English and filled with repetitive keywords. These are the sites that don’t have any brand to speak of but rather just a title that also happens to be the keyword.
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