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Now You Can Get Instant Access To 10 HOT Video Tutorials To Kick-Start Your Coaching Business! Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home!
When you launching your coaching business for the first time and you put out your figurative shingle, it can be terrifying. Even though you know that you have some good information to share, and know what you are doing, there is still the period of doubt that everyone faces.  Am I good enough to coach others? Do I have something they haven’t seen before? How can I convince them to hire me? All of these questions are perfectly natural and everyone has them when they start out. What you need to remember is that you got into this business for a reason, and after you have a couple of sessions under your belt, those doubts will pass ñ or at least go hide in the corner, out of sight for a while. If you have done your homework and you know that you have something truly valuable to teach others, there is no reason to be nervous.  Remember, your clients don’t know if it is your first session or your hundredth (unless you tell them of course), and as long as you are confident and sure of what you are saying, the thought will never cross their mind.  This guide will give you some specific things that you can do to improve your chances of getting hired and describe some of the mistakes that people sometimes make when they are new to the world of coaching. But the most important thing that you can do to get hired is simply to believe in yourself. Do that and your clients will believe in you too.

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